A moment of passion so easily shared
with no fear or regret
The memories flood through your mind
a moment of passion i'll never forget!
A moment of passion is like a drug,
it can take you so high
Need to get another fix
a moment of passion can never lie
A moment of passion when we are alone
it is desired by them too
Unable to control it
A moment of passion shared with you!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
yesterday at work
Song mood: Can't Stop - Maroon 5
yesterday, it was amazing for me. i'm worked almost the whole day in two different places. one is at anchor point which worked from 10am to 3pm then after went to citylink mall from 7pm to 12midnight, but late by 2 minutes at citylink mall. thanks for the bloody 2 customers who do the settlement of bill. sian. 1st time encountered that i worked continuing non-stop. when i worked there, i'm keep on smile and had short chat with the customers. there's this two couples was really impressed with me on the service. beside this two couples, i'm also impressed by some customers also. after work, i started to feel like vomittingand headache, but able to overcome it till getting home. lucky got transport send me home. now i feel like i'm getting better and better each day i work. =]
yesterday, it was amazing for me. i'm worked almost the whole day in two different places. one is at anchor point which worked from 10am to 3pm then after went to citylink mall from 7pm to 12midnight, but late by 2 minutes at citylink mall. thanks for the bloody 2 customers who do the settlement of bill. sian. 1st time encountered that i worked continuing non-stop. when i worked there, i'm keep on smile and had short chat with the customers. there's this two couples was really impressed with me on the service. beside this two couples, i'm also impressed by some customers also. after work, i started to feel like vomittingand headache, but able to overcome it till getting home. lucky got transport send me home. now i feel like i'm getting better and better each day i work. =]
Life can be unfair
Life can be challenging
Life has benefits
Life can be fun
Life can be sad
You can lose life
You can gain life
Life has a reason
Life has a purpose
Life can be fun
Life can be reckless
Life has its ups and downs
Life is beautiful.
Abused Cinderella
Cinderella was a nice gal
Always did what she was told
Put others before herself
Cinderella had lots of hopes and dreams
One day in the town she heard of the ball
Cinderella wanted to go
Really really bad
Her step mom gave her touble
Her sisters were ok
But she never went
Beucase no one cared
Poor cinderella cried
Dreams really don't come true
Fairytales are fake
Cinderella never found her prince
She never really went to any ball
She lost all her hopes and dreams in life
Cinderella never got a granted wish
Poor cinderella
True love never found her
When she was old
Cinderella died an old maid
When Cinderella went to heaven
She was treated like a real princess
Angels planed a ball for her
And made her a pretty white gown
Jesus danced with her
Then HE took her by the hand
And led her to her handsome chosen prince
It was all worth the shattered hopes
And dreams in life
To have a fairytale ending in heaven
Saturday, August 23, 2008
yesterday work at TCC
Song Mood: Same Old Brand New You - A1
this was my 1st time spending 10 working hours at TCC - Anchor Point. yesterday was fun and full of lughter. everyone teased and making fun with each other. never had this before when i worked for the past few days or weeks or even i had worked from other companies like Sakura or Kenny Rogers. yesterday, also 1st time encountered TCC on FULL House. shocking. i worked like crazy sia. no screwed up problem from me, but this time is my working friend, nazi, did it couple of time during yesterday lunch. but i don't blame her for it, cause i got happened it before. one of it which she done, was she key 9 hazelnut coffees instead of total of customers. i was like cool. she helping TCC to bring the sales up. lol.
this was my 1st time spending 10 working hours at TCC - Anchor Point. yesterday was fun and full of lughter. everyone teased and making fun with each other. never had this before when i worked for the past few days or weeks or even i had worked from other companies like Sakura or Kenny Rogers. yesterday, also 1st time encountered TCC on FULL House. shocking. i worked like crazy sia. no screwed up problem from me, but this time is my working friend, nazi, did it couple of time during yesterday lunch. but i don't blame her for it, cause i got happened it before. one of it which she done, was she key 9 hazelnut coffees instead of total of customers. i was like cool. she helping TCC to bring the sales up. lol.
final submission and outing with classmates.
yesterday, i'm screwed up with my final assignment. shit. when i reached school, i realised that i forgotten to bring my model. sian. then i informed my lecturer abt it and she said it will be considered as late submission meaning my mark will able to get a max. of 50% marks. sian. so i blame myself for so forgetful person. so after the lesson, i went back home to take my model to school before i meet leon, shi wei and dick. after meeting them, we went from bugis to orchard. while we waiting bus to orchard, suddenly that's this two ite gers come over to us and ask for shu wei's contact number and we will like laughing and giggle all over. but just nice the bus came and save us. lol.
then when we reached orchard, we went to far east plaza to wander around. sudeenly i spotted another 3 ite gers looking at us. i was like... what the H*LL la. then i realised nowadays, that's many gers so despo for guys. eeeee. so....... never mind. not my kinda gers i looking for. lucky. we went to mos burger for dinner, but only shu wei and dick was eating. after dinner, we went to TCC for a drink and dick, shu wei and leon ordered Peach Me Up and i ordered Lemon Ginger Green Tea and i treated them. bill cost was $28.25, after discount. after wander around at orchard, we went to esplanade to chat about personal stuffs still late night which able to catch the last train. last night was damn nice and fun. full of laughter. i gotta go liao. tomrrow need to work early. so bye and take care.
then when we reached orchard, we went to far east plaza to wander around. sudeenly i spotted another 3 ite gers looking at us. i was like... what the H*LL la. then i realised nowadays, that's many gers so despo for guys. eeeee. so....... never mind. not my kinda gers i looking for. lucky. we went to mos burger for dinner, but only shu wei and dick was eating. after dinner, we went to TCC for a drink and dick, shu wei and leon ordered Peach Me Up and i ordered Lemon Ginger Green Tea and i treated them. bill cost was $28.25, after discount. after wander around at orchard, we went to esplanade to chat about personal stuffs still late night which able to catch the last train. last night was damn nice and fun. full of laughter. i gotta go liao. tomrrow need to work early. so bye and take care.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Submission on Final Assignment
Song Mood: Two Beds And A Coffee Machine - Savage Garden
today is rushing day. had stay at school still 7.15pm. somemore phone kanna cut off. sian. things seems like didn't goes right. my final assignment journal's some parts had typo errors which i didn't noticed. and one of my classmate wanted to help the class to burn the assignment to leaturer, i sent it to her thru msn also can't transfered. sian. but at least, i'm done everything before the submission which is on 21st August 2008 at 10am.
gotta go liao. super tired. bye.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
today is rushing day. had stay at school still 7.15pm. somemore phone kanna cut off. sian. things seems like didn't goes right. my final assignment journal's some parts had typo errors which i didn't noticed. and one of my classmate wanted to help the class to burn the assignment to leaturer, i sent it to her thru msn also can't transfered. sian. but at least, i'm done everything before the submission which is on 21st August 2008 at 10am.
gotta go liao. super tired. bye.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Site Visit - Hort Park
Mood Song: 7 Days - Craig David
hi guys
yesterday, i went to Hort Park which near my house. just a 15 mintues walk from my house. =]my class and i do take some pictures. We don't nice pictures cos there an event by DSTA. Sianz... then the DSTA staffs sat all over the park and enjoying their KFC Meal. My friends and i begin to be hungry slowly. thanks to DSTA pple. we left there before 11am due with raining but i think we do rather enjoyed it. =] then after abt 10 plus, we saw a big group of army personals and i saw once of my camp mate who was a dentist. =] Coool. We chat for a while before we sperated. after that my class and i took an class photos before we went back to school.
yesterday, i went to Hort Park which near my house. just a 15 mintues walk from my house. =]my class and i do take some pictures. We don't nice pictures cos there an event by DSTA. Sianz... then the DSTA staffs sat all over the park and enjoying their KFC Meal. My friends and i begin to be hungry slowly. thanks to DSTA pple. we left there before 11am due with raining but i think we do rather enjoyed it. =] then after abt 10 plus, we saw a big group of army personals and i saw once of my camp mate who was a dentist. =] Coool. We chat for a while before we sperated. after that my class and i took an class photos before we went back to school.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
recently, i took up couple of contests/competitions to polish up my drawing skills and build my capacity of learning. i take up a Furniture Design Award competition and [d3] contest. the competition is a local competiton and it's abt designing a furniture which able to use it to the public. then the contest is a german contest which it's abt interior elements. maybe i will take up another competition on the youth olympic. hope tat i can get a better winning place for those competitions/contest i took up. =] I think take up all these things are good for me cos' it's can expend my learning exposure to new things. i very encourge people to take up these compititions/contests and try how far u can go.
My 1st Colour and Light Assignment
today, i woke up super early at 6am for going school early to print out my colour and light assignmnent in A3 size sticker. i reached school and i checked out my time and reached school at 7.50am. OMG!! so early.. i dun really excepted tat time and i tot i will be in school like maybe 8am or 8.15am. so while i waiting for the printing shop to open and my friend, edwin, to meet up, i went to canteen to have a light breakfast. then once i meet up with edwin, we went down to printing shop at abt 8.15am to print out the a3 colour sticker for my submission of colour and light. it's seem like quite nice once was printed out. so i showed the picture to you guys.

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