Friday, December 26, 2008
christmas 2008
yesterday is christmas is boring. staying at home packing up my freaking room. and i realise my room are with dust. damn it. didn't realise all that long. had pack 1/2 way thru and didn't celebrate the christmas at all. sian. i gotta go. bye.
Visiting Malaysia
recently, i came back from Malacca, Malaysia, with my family for 3 days. we went in by driving in. when we were in the between Johor and Malacca, we got lost. damn it. we dun really know the way to our freaking Hotel. the hotel named, Holiday Inn Hotel/resorts. we went to the christ church, the streets where lots of noaya and baba foods, etc are located at. noaya and baba are people who are mixed blood of Malay and chinese. also we went to a mega store cum hotel called Tan Kim Hock.
we bought some good stuffs back home. stuffs like, chewing gums, etc but not drugs. haha. most of items are bought are to given out to friends and relatives. haha. what great givers. oh, on the freaking last day in malaysia, my family and i was doing a u-turn and was kana caught a stupid police officer. he wanna fine my dad for illegal u-turn. my mother went out to help my dad and the stupid police officer ask my mother to get in to the car. damn it. freaking damn rude la. the officer said to my dad whether u wanna him to fine my dad with $300 or give $50 and everything will wave off. so my dad gave him $50. f**k malaysia. gotta sign off. will upload some pics for u guys to check it out.
we bought some good stuffs back home. stuffs like, chewing gums, etc but not drugs. haha. most of items are bought are to given out to friends and relatives. haha. what great givers. oh, on the freaking last day in malaysia, my family and i was doing a u-turn and was kana caught a stupid police officer. he wanna fine my dad for illegal u-turn. my mother went out to help my dad and the stupid police officer ask my mother to get in to the car. damn it. freaking damn rude la. the officer said to my dad whether u wanna him to fine my dad with $300 or give $50 and everything will wave off. so my dad gave him $50. f**k malaysia. gotta sign off. will upload some pics for u guys to check it out.
working in TCC- Great World City
last sunday is my 1st day in Great World City TCC from 7.15am to 3.15pm. 8 freaking hours. during that freaking hours is damn boring. Nothing to do. only done the house keeping. i heard usually sunday are busy but that day are super quiet. quiet until i can bored to death. lol. during the period of my working time, the sales is like only $200 plus. sian. after my worked, i went to play video games for awhile. while on my way up to the video games shop, i saw radio station DJ Jean Danker (not too sure do i spell it correctly). She was chio but she is about my height and i was like damn it, i should take a freaking photo with her.
Monday, December 15, 2008
just came back from work. today work total freaking busy but not as busy as when i was at
sakura international buffet-Orchard. the sales for lunch is about $1200 i think. anyway, just dun really bother about it. next few weeks will be freaking busy either buying my new year's stuff or packing up my freaking messy room. my room is full of my design assignments stuff. dun really know where to start. i think i will start later on today before 1st jan 2009. gotta sign off. bye n take care.
sakura international buffet-Orchard. the sales for lunch is about $1200 i think. anyway, just dun really bother about it. next few weeks will be freaking busy either buying my new year's stuff or packing up my freaking messy room. my room is full of my design assignments stuff. dun really know where to start. i think i will start later on today before 1st jan 2009. gotta sign off. bye n take care.
it's been more than a month which i didn't update my blog. been busy with my school work. sian. now having my 3 weeks school term break. back to work again. =[ yesterday i told my manager that i wanna to transfer to another TCC outlet which more convenient from my school to working place. cos my school to my currently working place need to travel about one and a half hour spent. which is wasting time and kinda rush for me. so therefore, i most likely will be transfer after this coming christmas. next couple of weeks will be ending the Year of 2008 and new beginning of 2009. For this year 2008, i didn't do much for it. i think for 2009, i need to plan my stuffs more wisely. i gotta go. bye and take care.
Monday, October 27, 2008
hey hi
just surfing the net and went to the website called imeem. i just browsing thru it and just check out some songs from City Harvest Church. i found this song called "Kids Prayer". Is so nice and wonderful. it's show that how GOD makes great thing on kids. Cool.
the link will be
just surfing the net and went to the website called imeem. i just browsing thru it and just check out some songs from City Harvest Church. i found this song called "Kids Prayer". Is so nice and wonderful. it's show that how GOD makes great thing on kids. Cool.
the link will be
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Year 1 2nd semester 08/09
today my timetable is out. sian. another class and my class have been mixed. lucky, my project 1 isn't under a leaturer who i don't really like. the only subject which under that leaturer is Architectural Design Thoery. gotta go liao.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Get to know yourself better
i tried this small test, and found it quite interesting. Should try. so mine are below.
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
wanna try?
the link is
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
wanna try?
the link is
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My Birthday
Song Mood: The Best Thing - Savage Garden
my birthday had just ended and had passed an hour. now is 12.59am. it's a very interesting and kinda happening. i dun really expected that there's lots pple do remembered my birthday. OMG!! pple who i dun really expected are my working friends in tcc-Anchor Point, couple of friends from Sakrua (those who really close with me). thanks for remember my birthday. =] felt touched and loved by u guys. thanks for the gift, photo and b'day card by my cell group members. yesterday went to have lunch with cellgroup members then followed by a movie called "eagle eye" which kinda boring i think. after the movie, had hang out with cell group members before meeting up with my mum for dinner. as for dinner, i went to my working place, TCC, with my siblings and my mum. it's the 1st time for them to have dinner in TCC. cool. they really like the food presentation. =] dinner cost abt $75 after using my TCC card. anyway, i gotta go liao. tmr gotta work. lastly thanks for everything. =] oh ya, got took some pics. will upload soon. take care.
my birthday had just ended and had passed an hour. now is 12.59am. it's a very interesting and kinda happening. i dun really expected that there's lots pple do remembered my birthday. OMG!! pple who i dun really expected are my working friends in tcc-Anchor Point, couple of friends from Sakrua (those who really close with me). thanks for remember my birthday. =] felt touched and loved by u guys. thanks for the gift, photo and b'day card by my cell group members. yesterday went to have lunch with cellgroup members then followed by a movie called "eagle eye" which kinda boring i think. after the movie, had hang out with cell group members before meeting up with my mum for dinner. as for dinner, i went to my working place, TCC, with my siblings and my mum. it's the 1st time for them to have dinner in TCC. cool. they really like the food presentation. =] dinner cost abt $75 after using my TCC card. anyway, i gotta go liao. tmr gotta work. lastly thanks for everything. =] oh ya, got took some pics. will upload soon. take care.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Some late upload pics of F1-Singapore
everyone are so anxious to see the F1 cars.
the cars' noise are isn't that loud which everyone are covered their ears.
captured this picture. this child was able to watch a better view of F1 cars. thanks to her dad.
their eyes are damn big, after they saw the F1 cars went passed them.
Monday, October 6, 2008
My School Holidays
Since started my school holiday from 15th september till today, have be working for everyday for more than 7 hours. super tired. lucky, i having my dayoff on 8th October, which is my birthday. but will be continue working for the next following day. anyway, today just finished my working shift at TCC-Bugis from 10am to 6pm. 1st time doing breakfast orders but only for 1 hour. sian but cool. at least i know how the breakfast orders goes like. elsen, my classmate who came to work at 4pm and i have a chance to work with him for only 2 hours. during my shift, i went to beach centre to collect 2 bottles of ice coffee for them, then followed by going to NAFA to collect 2 bottles of low fat milk and 1 bottle of ice coffee. gotta go liao. tmr need to wake up early for my working shift at anchor point from 9am to 4pm.another 7 hours of working. planning to work everyday until my sch holidays ends next week.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Motorshow 2008
last tuesday, i had went to the motorshow this year. Seems like very boring this year, but missed the stunt show by Russ Swift and Paul Swift. sian. the ticket will be $8 for adult. maybe tmr will plans to go back just for the stunt show. gotta go.
Monday, September 29, 2008
F1 - 27 sep to 29 sep
yesterday, i went to see the F1 qualifying round with shi zhe at marina bay. cool. the noise and the race cars are damn power. damn good. the crowd are damn packed and their re-action is like never seen a real life race car before. lol. the race starts at 10pm but we a bit kaisu and we meet at 6.30pm and shi zhe was late for 20 mins. damn it. he always like that. after met up, we went for dinner and by drinks for the race later. after that, we went to tat area where there's this part the cars can speed up to 300km/hr. while my friend and i are waiting for the race to starts, i spotted a girl. she was damn beautiful upon my point of view. the race ends about 11 plus and everyone goes homes. sian.
these are the photos which i took.this is the part where the F1 cars will speed up to 300km/hr.
everyone are so exciteto see the F1 cars.
this was the girl who i referring. damn beautiful. secretly took her as her mum was standing behind me.
i had took some pics to show. but will upload soon. =]
Saturday, September 27, 2008
my birthday is coming in couples of weeks. dunno how to celebrate it. sian. every year, my birthday is so plain and boring. nothing much to say. one year older to closer to God.
Working at TCC-Great World City
yesterday is 1st day of F1 and also a great day for me working at the TCC-great world city. actually my working shift is from 3pm to 11pm but was extended to 1.30am. got my overtime pay. yes!!! yesterday, i'm working with my another anchor point friend, azim. both of us had a great time there. just nice, there's this gay staff working there called, Ronnie. azmin and i was making fun behind him and tensing in front of him. when to closing, the outdoor seats are to chained it up and at that time i'm doing alone. suddenly i saw ronnie "stupid" head popping up and instead scared and jumped and shout at him "f*** You". Sorry for it but it's the 1st word trigger me to say it. he laugh like shit and grabbed him. lol. it's super fun. this coming friday, i will be working there again. hope that it's fun again this time round. =]
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Song Mood: Forever Love - Wang Lee Hom
today, i had went to out with elsen and leon for their interview. both of them kinda excited over the interview. cool. hope they will get the that i will able to work with them some other time. lol. sian. 22 days to my birthday liao. one year older but still young. that another good think to have it.=]
gotta go liao. bye and take care...
today, i had went to out with elsen and leon for their interview. both of them kinda excited over the interview. cool. hope they will get the that i will able to work with them some other time. lol. sian. 22 days to my birthday liao. one year older but still young. that another good think to have it.=]
gotta go liao. bye and take care...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
A Moment of Passion
A moment of passion so easily shared
with no fear or regret
The memories flood through your mind
a moment of passion i'll never forget!
A moment of passion is like a drug,
it can take you so high
Need to get another fix
a moment of passion can never lie
A moment of passion when we are alone
it is desired by them too
Unable to control it
A moment of passion shared with you!
with no fear or regret
The memories flood through your mind
a moment of passion i'll never forget!
A moment of passion is like a drug,
it can take you so high
Need to get another fix
a moment of passion can never lie
A moment of passion when we are alone
it is desired by them too
Unable to control it
A moment of passion shared with you!
yesterday at work
Song mood: Can't Stop - Maroon 5
yesterday, it was amazing for me. i'm worked almost the whole day in two different places. one is at anchor point which worked from 10am to 3pm then after went to citylink mall from 7pm to 12midnight, but late by 2 minutes at citylink mall. thanks for the bloody 2 customers who do the settlement of bill. sian. 1st time encountered that i worked continuing non-stop. when i worked there, i'm keep on smile and had short chat with the customers. there's this two couples was really impressed with me on the service. beside this two couples, i'm also impressed by some customers also. after work, i started to feel like vomittingand headache, but able to overcome it till getting home. lucky got transport send me home. now i feel like i'm getting better and better each day i work. =]
yesterday, it was amazing for me. i'm worked almost the whole day in two different places. one is at anchor point which worked from 10am to 3pm then after went to citylink mall from 7pm to 12midnight, but late by 2 minutes at citylink mall. thanks for the bloody 2 customers who do the settlement of bill. sian. 1st time encountered that i worked continuing non-stop. when i worked there, i'm keep on smile and had short chat with the customers. there's this two couples was really impressed with me on the service. beside this two couples, i'm also impressed by some customers also. after work, i started to feel like vomittingand headache, but able to overcome it till getting home. lucky got transport send me home. now i feel like i'm getting better and better each day i work. =]
Life can be unfair
Life can be challenging
Life has benefits
Life can be fun
Life can be sad
You can lose life
You can gain life
Life has a reason
Life has a purpose
Life can be fun
Life can be reckless
Life has its ups and downs
Life is beautiful.
Abused Cinderella
Cinderella was a nice gal
Always did what she was told
Put others before herself
Cinderella had lots of hopes and dreams
One day in the town she heard of the ball
Cinderella wanted to go
Really really bad
Her step mom gave her touble
Her sisters were ok
But she never went
Beucase no one cared
Poor cinderella cried
Dreams really don't come true
Fairytales are fake
Cinderella never found her prince
She never really went to any ball
She lost all her hopes and dreams in life
Cinderella never got a granted wish
Poor cinderella
True love never found her
When she was old
Cinderella died an old maid
When Cinderella went to heaven
She was treated like a real princess
Angels planed a ball for her
And made her a pretty white gown
Jesus danced with her
Then HE took her by the hand
And led her to her handsome chosen prince
It was all worth the shattered hopes
And dreams in life
To have a fairytale ending in heaven
Saturday, August 23, 2008
yesterday work at TCC
Song Mood: Same Old Brand New You - A1
this was my 1st time spending 10 working hours at TCC - Anchor Point. yesterday was fun and full of lughter. everyone teased and making fun with each other. never had this before when i worked for the past few days or weeks or even i had worked from other companies like Sakura or Kenny Rogers. yesterday, also 1st time encountered TCC on FULL House. shocking. i worked like crazy sia. no screwed up problem from me, but this time is my working friend, nazi, did it couple of time during yesterday lunch. but i don't blame her for it, cause i got happened it before. one of it which she done, was she key 9 hazelnut coffees instead of total of customers. i was like cool. she helping TCC to bring the sales up. lol.
this was my 1st time spending 10 working hours at TCC - Anchor Point. yesterday was fun and full of lughter. everyone teased and making fun with each other. never had this before when i worked for the past few days or weeks or even i had worked from other companies like Sakura or Kenny Rogers. yesterday, also 1st time encountered TCC on FULL House. shocking. i worked like crazy sia. no screwed up problem from me, but this time is my working friend, nazi, did it couple of time during yesterday lunch. but i don't blame her for it, cause i got happened it before. one of it which she done, was she key 9 hazelnut coffees instead of total of customers. i was like cool. she helping TCC to bring the sales up. lol.
final submission and outing with classmates.
yesterday, i'm screwed up with my final assignment. shit. when i reached school, i realised that i forgotten to bring my model. sian. then i informed my lecturer abt it and she said it will be considered as late submission meaning my mark will able to get a max. of 50% marks. sian. so i blame myself for so forgetful person. so after the lesson, i went back home to take my model to school before i meet leon, shi wei and dick. after meeting them, we went from bugis to orchard. while we waiting bus to orchard, suddenly that's this two ite gers come over to us and ask for shu wei's contact number and we will like laughing and giggle all over. but just nice the bus came and save us. lol.
then when we reached orchard, we went to far east plaza to wander around. sudeenly i spotted another 3 ite gers looking at us. i was like... what the H*LL la. then i realised nowadays, that's many gers so despo for guys. eeeee. so....... never mind. not my kinda gers i looking for. lucky. we went to mos burger for dinner, but only shu wei and dick was eating. after dinner, we went to TCC for a drink and dick, shu wei and leon ordered Peach Me Up and i ordered Lemon Ginger Green Tea and i treated them. bill cost was $28.25, after discount. after wander around at orchard, we went to esplanade to chat about personal stuffs still late night which able to catch the last train. last night was damn nice and fun. full of laughter. i gotta go liao. tomrrow need to work early. so bye and take care.
then when we reached orchard, we went to far east plaza to wander around. sudeenly i spotted another 3 ite gers looking at us. i was like... what the H*LL la. then i realised nowadays, that's many gers so despo for guys. eeeee. so....... never mind. not my kinda gers i looking for. lucky. we went to mos burger for dinner, but only shu wei and dick was eating. after dinner, we went to TCC for a drink and dick, shu wei and leon ordered Peach Me Up and i ordered Lemon Ginger Green Tea and i treated them. bill cost was $28.25, after discount. after wander around at orchard, we went to esplanade to chat about personal stuffs still late night which able to catch the last train. last night was damn nice and fun. full of laughter. i gotta go liao. tomrrow need to work early. so bye and take care.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Submission on Final Assignment
Song Mood: Two Beds And A Coffee Machine - Savage Garden
today is rushing day. had stay at school still 7.15pm. somemore phone kanna cut off. sian. things seems like didn't goes right. my final assignment journal's some parts had typo errors which i didn't noticed. and one of my classmate wanted to help the class to burn the assignment to leaturer, i sent it to her thru msn also can't transfered. sian. but at least, i'm done everything before the submission which is on 21st August 2008 at 10am.
gotta go liao. super tired. bye.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
today is rushing day. had stay at school still 7.15pm. somemore phone kanna cut off. sian. things seems like didn't goes right. my final assignment journal's some parts had typo errors which i didn't noticed. and one of my classmate wanted to help the class to burn the assignment to leaturer, i sent it to her thru msn also can't transfered. sian. but at least, i'm done everything before the submission which is on 21st August 2008 at 10am.
gotta go liao. super tired. bye.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Site Visit - Hort Park
Mood Song: 7 Days - Craig David
hi guys
yesterday, i went to Hort Park which near my house. just a 15 mintues walk from my house. =]my class and i do take some pictures. We don't nice pictures cos there an event by DSTA. Sianz... then the DSTA staffs sat all over the park and enjoying their KFC Meal. My friends and i begin to be hungry slowly. thanks to DSTA pple. we left there before 11am due with raining but i think we do rather enjoyed it. =] then after abt 10 plus, we saw a big group of army personals and i saw once of my camp mate who was a dentist. =] Coool. We chat for a while before we sperated. after that my class and i took an class photos before we went back to school.
yesterday, i went to Hort Park which near my house. just a 15 mintues walk from my house. =]my class and i do take some pictures. We don't nice pictures cos there an event by DSTA. Sianz... then the DSTA staffs sat all over the park and enjoying their KFC Meal. My friends and i begin to be hungry slowly. thanks to DSTA pple. we left there before 11am due with raining but i think we do rather enjoyed it. =] then after abt 10 plus, we saw a big group of army personals and i saw once of my camp mate who was a dentist. =] Coool. We chat for a while before we sperated. after that my class and i took an class photos before we went back to school.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
recently, i took up couple of contests/competitions to polish up my drawing skills and build my capacity of learning. i take up a Furniture Design Award competition and [d3] contest. the competition is a local competiton and it's abt designing a furniture which able to use it to the public. then the contest is a german contest which it's abt interior elements. maybe i will take up another competition on the youth olympic. hope tat i can get a better winning place for those competitions/contest i took up. =] I think take up all these things are good for me cos' it's can expend my learning exposure to new things. i very encourge people to take up these compititions/contests and try how far u can go.
My 1st Colour and Light Assignment
today, i woke up super early at 6am for going school early to print out my colour and light assignmnent in A3 size sticker. i reached school and i checked out my time and reached school at 7.50am. OMG!! so early.. i dun really excepted tat time and i tot i will be in school like maybe 8am or 8.15am. so while i waiting for the printing shop to open and my friend, edwin, to meet up, i went to canteen to have a light breakfast. then once i meet up with edwin, we went down to printing shop at abt 8.15am to print out the a3 colour sticker for my submission of colour and light. it's seem like quite nice once was printed out. so i showed the picture to you guys.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
today, after i took my photos on fullerton waterboat house for my subject, colour and light. need to spend lots of time and transport fees into it. Sianz. after coming back home and check my school's e-mail and i recieved and e-mail from my design school's director about Crowbar Award this year. An award which i never heard of. but anyway, my school got a total of 19 finalists in this award and my school got 1st. WOW!! it's good to heard about it. they beat Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Polytechnic, Media Design School (New Zealand), National University of Singapore, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, etc. here is the lists of school had take part in the competition. I'm super proud to be Temasek Design School.
today, after i took my photos on fullerton waterboat house for my subject, colour and light. need to spend lots of time and transport fees into it. Sianz. after coming back home and check my school's e-mail and i recieved and e-mail from my design school's director about Crowbar Award this year. An award which i never heard of. but anyway, my school got a total of 19 finalists in this award and my school got 1st. WOW!! it's good to heard about it. they beat Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Polytechnic, Media Design School (New Zealand), National University of Singapore, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, etc. here is the lists of school had take part in the competition. I'm super proud to be Temasek Design School.

it's been quite awhile for me to post this. =] it's been kinda lazy and busy for me to post. anyway, this is my 3 day of my new block, colour and light. it's about colour mixture and light contrast. recently just finished my 3rd block and had my 2D art fundamental and space planning. for my 2d art fundamental's final assignment is on a flower. i spent abt less then a day to completed. i think i took about 10 1/2 hours to complete but in between, i took some time break. i will show you my final assignment of my 2D art fundamental.

this is my drawing on a flower.
anyway, this is what i wanna say and show it to u guys. gotta go liao. byez..
Sunday, May 25, 2008
my class created a webbie
hey hi again.. it's be awhile since i last posted. hehe.. anyway this post will be quite short i think. my class recently created an blog for my class only. cool le. the web is hope u guys can check it out or something. i gotta. signing off....
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Tmr is My 1st Day in School
tomolo is my 1st day of school. so excited and nervous. Oh Man.. excited to meet people, new friends. hahaha...
Back From Orientation Camp
thats me...

it's me, kenny. =] i just came back from my 4 days orientation camp at TP's Design School. it's super duper fun and cool lor. on the 1st day is not overstay night and i tot it is. sad. but it's alrite. then we was self intro by name then follow by what course are u in. at 1st, all are quite "emo" type (of cos la, everybody in my group dunno each other). i was in Franco empire. In Franco, we was grouped in 4 different names and they are; Frankoy, Frankerz, Frankon and lastly are Frankos (which is in my group). Each group had 3 GLs. GL stand for Group leader. then on the 2nd day, a bit better but still "emo"-ing. that day, we playing games (kinda fun) but i remembered i didn't played much due with making friends. haha. then we went to sentosa by our own transport and once we reached habourfront LRT Station, i lead the way (actually i didn't notice it) to the sentosa's mono tram. when my school of design on the way up to level 3 in vivo city, then i realised that i'm leading the way with abt 500 students. WOW. thats cools. hehe. we went there for games. out of 5 games, my group - frankos which played 1 game. Sad. it's due with the time was delayed. i remembered the franco's guys slept at 5am in the 1st night. 3rd day, we played games i think but not much. in the evening, we had our performance night (which franco didn't win anything.. OMG!!!), then after that we had night walk which is super fun and scary. At first, the frankos' guys won't afraid much but plus the gers' scream, the guys also scared. franco guys slept at 4 plus on the 2 night. on the last day (the day, everyone will starts crying), we have the last few games which plays against the others schools in TP. we won couple of games but we didn't won overall of it. before we was dismissed, Our FAs andGLs talks about their feelings and same for the freshies. most of them cry and was so touched. end of the day, everyone hug and cry together.

Frankos on the way to Sentosa

Frankos GLs - Sub, Lina, Amaris
Zhi Pose...
Last moments of Frankos... =[
Monday, April 14, 2008
Orientation Camp From 15th Apr - 18 Apr
hi guys.
it's me again. haha. hmm tmr i will be going for my 4 days orientation camp at temasek poly's Design School. I'm so nervous and excited. looking for to meet many many different kinds of pple. Love People, Love Life. I will going to making friends with them and touchs their life. build relationship with them and try to bring them to church. hehe. Gotta go. bye. may post another one after my camp.
it's me again. haha. hmm tmr i will be going for my 4 days orientation camp at temasek poly's Design School. I'm so nervous and excited. looking for to meet many many different kinds of pple. Love People, Love Life. I will going to making friends with them and touchs their life. build relationship with them and try to bring them to church. hehe. Gotta go. bye. may post another one after my camp.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Busy Late March and Early April
hi there.
it's been a while which i haven't update my blog due with work, enrolment paperworks and my driving. i was posted to Temasek Polytechnic (which i wish to study in) for Diploma in Interior Architecture and Design (my 1st choice and the course which i wish study in). Cool, right? hehe. When Temasek Polytechnis (TP) had sent me those enrolment forms, i filled it well with a double check on it with no mistakes and was submitted on 20 March i think. Now i still need to follow up with many things like apply for ez-link card, etc. Next week from 15 April to 18 April, i will be having my Orientation Camp (which is one week before my school starts) and i am super exicted and looking forward to the camp. =] Erm, ok. Last saturday (5 April), i failed my driving test with 10 demerit points. Sad. i failed on slope course (which roll backwards lass than 1 metre), failed on mount kerb at the crank course,fail to use appropriate gear, fail to check blind spot and lastly, was insuffcient scceleration. But it's okay cos i will be a re-test this coming friday (11 April) and this tiime, i need to pass it no matter what...
hmm, i may wanna quit my part time sever at Sakura Japanese International Buffet-Orchard outlet. Cos 1stly is i kinda of bored with the job scope over there. 2ndly is wanna to work different kinda job. Maybe going for TCC or Coffee Club. Lastly is able to make my saturday dayoff so that i'm able to go church. Cos i have been take to much time on work and no time for GOD. So i need to find a better job to able to take saturday off.
it's been a while which i haven't update my blog due with work, enrolment paperworks and my driving. i was posted to Temasek Polytechnic (which i wish to study in) for Diploma in Interior Architecture and Design (my 1st choice and the course which i wish study in). Cool, right? hehe. When Temasek Polytechnis (TP) had sent me those enrolment forms, i filled it well with a double check on it with no mistakes and was submitted on 20 March i think. Now i still need to follow up with many things like apply for ez-link card, etc. Next week from 15 April to 18 April, i will be having my Orientation Camp (which is one week before my school starts) and i am super exicted and looking forward to the camp. =] Erm, ok. Last saturday (5 April), i failed my driving test with 10 demerit points. Sad. i failed on slope course (which roll backwards lass than 1 metre), failed on mount kerb at the crank course,fail to use appropriate gear, fail to check blind spot and lastly, was insuffcient scceleration. But it's okay cos i will be a re-test this coming friday (11 April) and this tiime, i need to pass it no matter what...
hmm, i may wanna quit my part time sever at Sakura Japanese International Buffet-Orchard outlet. Cos 1stly is i kinda of bored with the job scope over there. 2ndly is wanna to work different kinda job. Maybe going for TCC or Coffee Club. Lastly is able to make my saturday dayoff so that i'm able to go church. Cos i have been take to much time on work and no time for GOD. So i need to find a better job to able to take saturday off.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
After Work on 4 March
Today after i work, i felt tired and body ache all over. While waiting for my 2nd last bus, 175, for super long time, i saw two of Singapore Idols. There are Daphne Khoo and Paul Twohill. At 1st i tot my eyes are playing tricks on me but when they came closer to me, it's really them la. Paul Twohill is a smoker. Lol. But he quite tall. Daphne Khoo looks cool and quite short. Sad to say. haha. Let me end here. Bye.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Polytechnic Posting
this friday, 7 March, is the day where my polytechnic posting are coming out. Super nervous. hope and pray that i able to get my 1st choice course which is Interior Architecture & Design at Temask Polytechnic. =]
Monday, February 18, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
My Resloutions of 2008
In year 2008,
my resloutions is to be
1. Spend time with GOD
2. Spend time with my family.
4. Get well for my online business
5. Able to enrol in to Temasek Polytechnic for Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design
6. To be Healthy
7. Get a couple more online business partners
8. Earn more cash.
9. Able to study well in my upcoming studies in Polytechnic
10. Meet more Friends/people
11. Must have a great everyday.
12. Be happy.
13. Change a new visions/dreams/goals
my resloutions is to be
1. Spend time with GOD
2. Spend time with my family.
4. Get well for my online business
5. Able to enrol in to Temasek Polytechnic for Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design
6. To be Healthy
7. Get a couple more online business partners
8. Earn more cash.
9. Able to study well in my upcoming studies in Polytechnic
10. Meet more Friends/people
11. Must have a great everyday.
12. Be happy.
13. Change a new visions/dreams/goals
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