it's been months which i haven't post anything till now. it's either been busy with work, school's assignments or forgotten that i got a blog. lol.. just update a bit for this few months which i will be busy on. from now till 24 sept, i will be retaking my major project 2 with the year 2 students. after this, i will taking a term break then after that will be taking my major project 3, internship and final year project which lead me to delay my graduation still october instead of april next year.
As for my life, still quite tired and bored. seem like there's no life. everyday will be either work or study. anyway, now i thinking of quitting my part time work due with my school commitnment in couple of months time. but i always caught in the middle of missing my customers in my working place cos i had a pretty good relationship with them and i also plan to work still i finish my course in polytechnic. aiyah, see how 1st.
gotta do my stuffs. catch up with u again. bye
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
it's been months which i haven't post anything yet. it's either forgotten or lazy or even busy with my school works. oh ya, this is my 1st post of year 2010. haha. tomorrow is the 1st day of my 3rd year of my course. i feels like getting older and older each day, each week and each month. my timetable for my semster 3.1 is pretty awesome cos i having a single subject in this semester. i only need to retake my major project 2 end of semester and my fellow classmates will starts their major project 3 starts tomorrow. wish them all the best. as for me, i see how things goes but for this semseter; i think i better to clear off all my cross-disciplinary subjects (CDS) and elective subjects before my second semester starts.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
last day of 2009
it's the last day of the year 2009. my 2009 resolutions had not touch a single of it i think. lol. i think i need to do it in 2010. this year 2009, i felt quite dry and nothing much happening on and off my life. but i wish in 2010, will be great.
gotta turn off. bye.
gotta turn off. bye.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
having lunch
yesterday, i went to bt merah ctrl's food centre to hav my early lunch. when i was eating halfway thru, i saw two little sibilings was discussed what they wanna buy. So this sister bought couple of food from this mix-veg rice stall (which used to be my dad's stall once) while her young brother went to hide. this sister had bought the food and a sudden scared for awhile and wondering where is her brother and after that , she realised that her brother was behind the pilar. after that, they got a table to have their lunch. after i done with my lunch, i walked passed the siblings and realise that they are all by themselves no parents nor grandparents, i was sudden feel humiltiy and love on them cos i can see how the siblings taking care of each other so much.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
online results
on thursday, when i checked my results thru online. this semster, all i got c straight and my 2nd major project got failed. what a damn!! it's the same f**king tutor who failed my architectual design theory. super pissed off with her. i seriously unsure whether is she got any freaking problem with me or not. i told myself, if i seriously get another subject or major projects with her, i make sure i will seriously drop out of school. trust me.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Micheal Jackson's Memorial
yesterday, the jackson family had done an memorial for the late micheal jackson. so here will be the moments of photos taken. the news article will be on this link:

Sunday, July 5, 2009
serving the Singapore's songbird.
today is quite interesting. as i'm working at my night shift at TCC-great world city on saturday, i saw stefanie Sun, the singapore's songbird. it's kinda good chance for me to serve her. she usually come to my working place on day time and it's kinda rare to serve her during evening. she not really nice looking but she kinda friendly towards people. anyway i need to go as i will be working morning shift tomorrow. bye n good nite. cheers
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
2 Weeks Of School Holidays
recently just ended with my 2 weeks of school holidays. almost everyday chiong for my work at TCC. seems like no life. lol. but i think twice and actually it's pretty fun cos I'm able to teach new stuff how to "up-selling". in other words, recommend adding foods or adding drinks in their ordering. during my 2 weeks, things had happened. likes fill up the declearation forms for tutors via e-mail, choose my CDS and electives and the biggest news is Michael Jackson is Died on 25 june at the age of 50 (1958 - 2009). that is the sadest part for the whole world, cos they had lost their own King of Pop. As for me, quite sad actually. i felt he gone for good cos when he alive, he suffered alot likes pple "framed" him for molested young kids for years, etc. So therefore, R.I.P micheal. The World Will missed You and Your Musics.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Singapore Idol
yesterday is the 1st day of registration of Singapore Idol only limited to 500 registrations. i still thinking of joining this competition but i till think of how i going to cope my school's assignments after i join this Singapore Idol. headache headache. how? can pple give me some suggustions?
X-men Origins: Wolverine
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Fast and furious 4
recently, i went to watch a movie called fast and furious 4. it's totally no excitement from the previous 1st 3 parts. this part 4 actually the director plans to bring all the characters back but some are busy with some stuffs. at least, the director bring sung kang(han), paul walker, etc. anyway, gotta go for assignments. good night...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
1st post of 2009
my 1st post of 2009. kinda lazy of posting anything on my blog these days. dunno why either. for this month and next month, i will be super busy doing my year end project and both months, i will be having my one core subject and one elective subject. super duper sian tao...
Friday, December 26, 2008
christmas 2008
yesterday is christmas is boring. staying at home packing up my freaking room. and i realise my room are with dust. damn it. didn't realise all that long. had pack 1/2 way thru and didn't celebrate the christmas at all. sian. i gotta go. bye.
Visiting Malaysia
recently, i came back from Malacca, Malaysia, with my family for 3 days. we went in by driving in. when we were in the between Johor and Malacca, we got lost. damn it. we dun really know the way to our freaking Hotel. the hotel named, Holiday Inn Hotel/resorts. we went to the christ church, the streets where lots of noaya and baba foods, etc are located at. noaya and baba are people who are mixed blood of Malay and chinese. also we went to a mega store cum hotel called Tan Kim Hock.
we bought some good stuffs back home. stuffs like, chewing gums, etc but not drugs. haha. most of items are bought are to given out to friends and relatives. haha. what great givers. oh, on the freaking last day in malaysia, my family and i was doing a u-turn and was kana caught a stupid police officer. he wanna fine my dad for illegal u-turn. my mother went out to help my dad and the stupid police officer ask my mother to get in to the car. damn it. freaking damn rude la. the officer said to my dad whether u wanna him to fine my dad with $300 or give $50 and everything will wave off. so my dad gave him $50. f**k malaysia. gotta sign off. will upload some pics for u guys to check it out.
we bought some good stuffs back home. stuffs like, chewing gums, etc but not drugs. haha. most of items are bought are to given out to friends and relatives. haha. what great givers. oh, on the freaking last day in malaysia, my family and i was doing a u-turn and was kana caught a stupid police officer. he wanna fine my dad for illegal u-turn. my mother went out to help my dad and the stupid police officer ask my mother to get in to the car. damn it. freaking damn rude la. the officer said to my dad whether u wanna him to fine my dad with $300 or give $50 and everything will wave off. so my dad gave him $50. f**k malaysia. gotta sign off. will upload some pics for u guys to check it out.
working in TCC- Great World City
last sunday is my 1st day in Great World City TCC from 7.15am to 3.15pm. 8 freaking hours. during that freaking hours is damn boring. Nothing to do. only done the house keeping. i heard usually sunday are busy but that day are super quiet. quiet until i can bored to death. lol. during the period of my working time, the sales is like only $200 plus. sian. after my worked, i went to play video games for awhile. while on my way up to the video games shop, i saw radio station DJ Jean Danker (not too sure do i spell it correctly). She was chio but she is about my height and i was like damn it, i should take a freaking photo with her.
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